Five Nights At Freddy's Final Purgatory

Five Nights At Freddy's Final Purgatory

About game «Five Nights At Freddy's Final Purgatory»

Without a doubt, everyone who appreciates horror games was looking forward to the sequel to the frightful tale of amusing animatronic robots during the day and horrifying beasts at night. Once more, we'll have to deal with a mysterious phenomenon that changes cute and funny service robots into scary monsters out to kill anybody who enters the pizzeria after hours. The night guard is the only person who can possibly be inside the pizzeria, and in principle, that should be enough.

It goes without saying that the life of the pizzeria depends on the vigilant surveillance of the cameras installed throughout the property, the video from which is transferred to the security tablet. Therefore, closing all of the passageways is the first step. Light terrifies animatronics, therefore it's a good idea to switch it on sometimes to keep the robots away. However, because only the tablet has authority over the door locks and once the doors open, the game is finished, actively utilizing the tablet and moving between cameras won't drain the battery.