Masked Forces

About the game «Masked Forces»
We're at a loss for words. Does it make sense to compare the new Masked Forces shooter to Counter-Strike, the video game industry's mammoth, given that the latter has likely already reached its peak throughout its existence while the former has only recently appeared and is already making a lot of noise in an attempt to curl around itself? Probably not. We can attempt to practice, learn, and compare weapons and ammo, or we can simply finish the task and take pleasure in various weapons without worrying about comparisons.
Let's start with the fact that your fighter is quite well-equipped; he has a variety of weapons that can be upgraded over time, he has good armor, and you can choose your preferred piece of armor after each battle. Yes, all of this is distinct and has its own features; it does not just change names and appearances. Recall at a away that the game has a variety of modes, one of which lets you play online against actual players. The following mode provides a chance to test both your skills and those of artificial intelligence.