Goalkeeper Challenge

About the game «Goalkeeper Challenge»
You have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to show that you are a superb goalie and that even the most seasoned football players cannot score against you. You'll need to use your hands very carefully to prevent missing the balls because they'll be flying into your goal continually. Only after you successfully defend the gate will your level of expertise increase and you'll want to keep playing the game.
All ten levels have only the first one, which is also the simplest, available at the beginning. Before the game starts, a message appears on the screen that reads, "Control the goalkeeper's gloves and hit the balls by moving the mouse." Then the game will start! A football player is throwing balls into your goal, and you must beat him with gloves. The number of hits on the ball and the match's serial number are both visible in the upper left corner. When you parry a blow, commendatory inscriptions like "Cool" or "Excellent" appear. A football player's balls are typically easy to hit at first, but as the enemy's agility and speed of contact improve with each new level, it gets harder to reflect the balls.