Pill Volley

Pill Volley

About game «Pill Volley»

Each of us has a first-aid kit in the home, which is stocked with a variety of medicinal creams, lotions, pills, and tablets, as well as a thermometer of course. Do you know what happens to them at night? Not? Then we'll let you in on a little secret: all drugs awaken and begin to lead independent lives. While some of the pharmaceuticals play games like Pill Volley, which is theoretically identical to ordinary volleyball but has its own quirks, others try to escape the first-aid kit and avoid being eaten by sick people by doing so.

The referee is prepared to meticulously oversee every event, the spectators are already seated, and the players are dressed in their team jerseys and embroidered on the field, so everything is ready for the first practice match. Before starting the game, you must wait for the referee to blow his whistle. You can command your players to hit the opponent's serves and score goals for him by pressing a single key. In addition, the game has two modes—one for a single player and one for two players—which is typical for the genre.