Trollface Quest Horror

Trollface Quest Horror

About game «Trollface Quest Horror»

Despite the fact that the new mission is called Trollface Quest Horror, we don't think you'll be scared because it's a fun game. The most crucial thing is to be cautious and pay attention to everything around you, even if you will come across some of the most horrifying movie characters in the game. The lunatic from Scream will be scared here, and in fact, any negative hero will flee from your Trollface.

You have to finish a lot of quests and objectives in the game. For instance, your initial objective will be to escape being frightened by a terrible madman brandishing a large spoon or ladle-like object while sporting a Scream mask. What can you do to stop the yelling? Let's not forget the Trollface's might, shall we? He can make faces that are funny, evil, or just plain insane. You can always try one of the options if everything else fails. Please be aware that the number of tips is limited and that you will need to view a commercial if you want more. We are sure you'll have a lot of fun playing the game!